Vincent Yuan

Vincent Yuan

A data scientist who also enjoys photography, music and playing tennis.

Introduction to TensorFlow Playground

1. Introduction When I was learning deep learning, I deeply felt the benefits of visualization: if you have an intuitive

Building Tree Models with TensorFlow Decision Forests

1 Introduction Both deep learning and traditional machine learning have excellent frameworks in their respective fields. For example, when building

Text Classification with TensorFlow

1 Introduction In natural language processing, text classification is a very common application. This article will introduce the use of

Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis in Practice (IV) - Risk Scoring

1 Preface In the Neo4J graph database anti-fraud series, we have identified risky users. This article will explain how to

Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis in Practice (III) - Identifying Criminal Groups

1 Introduction In the Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis Practice (II) - Preparing Data section, I introduced how to import

Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis in Practice (II) - Prepare Data

1 Introduction In the previous article Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis in Practice (Part 1) - Setup Analysis Environment, we

Neo4J Graph Database Anti-Fraud Analysis in Practice (I) - Set Up Analysis Environment

1 Introduction In the article An Introduction to Graph Databases, we introduced the basic components of a graph, such as

Introduction to Graph Databases

1. Introduction Have you ever heard of "Graph Databases - Graph Database"? Are they databases used to store

Permutation Importance for Feature Selection

1 Introduction In previous articles like Decision Tree Notes, some common feature selection techniques have been introduced. In this article,

Automatically Build and Push Docker Image with GitHub Action

1 Introduction In this article, we will introduce how to use GitHub Action to automatically push Docker images to a