
Professional habits, gadgets and experience.

Unveiling the Deal: What Happens When Companies Merge

Company merger 101.

Say Hello to 2024

Reflecting on 2023 and looking ahead to 2024.

Deep Dive into Credit Card Application Process

Credit card application process 101

Microsoft To Do - Plan Your Everyday

While I haven't traditionally been a fan of Microsoft products, it's undeniable that in the past

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (IV) - Create a Functional Table of Contents

Table of contents is easy for users to navigate through the long article, but Ghost did not provide a nice out-of-the-box solution.

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (III) - Blog Customization

Now that the website is up,  customization should come into play to address specific functional and aesthetic needs, in this

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (II) - Domain Setup

Following the last part of installing Ghost on AWS, the website should be up and running, but the website can

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (I) - AWS Setup

I used to share a lot of programming and data science content on the Internet along with a few friends,

Half-year Experience of M1 Mac mini - The New Future of Mac

1 My Use Case I have been using Mac for 6 years, and except for the Mac Pro, I have

One Year Experience with Apple Watch S5 - No Regrets!

I hesitated for a year before writing this article. To be honest, when I bought the Apple Watch, I had