
Python programming knowledge.

Introduction to various Keras Callbacks

1 Introduction In tensorflow.keras, callbacks can run along with the model's life cycle during fit, evaluate and

Understanding Python Closures

1 Introduction When working with Python in daily work, you may have encountered code like this: def make_counter(): # Outer

Decision Tree Overview

1 Introduction Decision tree is very classical machine learning model that can be used to solve many classification and regression

Tips for Common Operations on Python Dictionaries

1 Introduction In the previous article, we reviewed common operations on Python lists. As a commonly used data type, lists

Tips for Common Operations on Python Lists

1. Preface In the previous article, we reviewed the common operations on Python tuples, in this article, let's

Tips for Common Operations with Python Tuples

1 Introduction Python, as a popular programming language, has attracted a lot of attention in the fields of data science

Python Web Scraping Application - Scraping PayPal Job Positions

1 Introduction Not long after the traditional job-hunting season (around March/April in China), the autumn job-hunting season is approaching.

Build a Taobao Robotic Purchasing Tool in Two Minutes

1 Pain Points Major eCommerce websites offer promotional activities on specific days, such as 618 and Singles' Day. Sometimes,