Vincent Yuan

Vincent Yuan

A data scientist who also enjoys photography, music and playing tennis.

Fall Colors Adventure around Chicago

Which season is your favorite? I used to think it was summertime, but my perspective changed after experiencing my first

The Takeaways from the California Trip

At the start of autumn, my wife and I embarked on a five-day trip to California. It was a truly

Microsoft To Do - Plan Your Everyday

While I haven't traditionally been a fan of Microsoft products, it's undeniable that in the past

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (IV) - Create a Functional Table of Contents

Table of contents is easy for users to navigate through the long article, but Ghost did not provide a nice out-of-the-box solution.

The Takeaways from the 6-day Seattle Trip

During the extended Labor Day weekend of 2023, I embarked on a memorable journey to Seattle, where I indulged in

Python configparser Tutorials

1 Overview configparser is a Python standard library module that provides an easy way to work with configuration files in

Python Recursion Overview

1 Introduction to Recursion Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem by breaking

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (III) - Blog Customization

Now that the website is up,  customization should come into play to address specific functional and aesthetic needs, in this

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (II) - Domain Setup

Following the last part of installing Ghost on AWS, the website should be up and running, but the website can

Host a Ghost Blog on AWS in 2023 (I) - AWS Setup

I used to share a lot of programming and data science content on the Internet along with a few friends,